29 April 2012

Still a Sucker for a Silhouette

I took this shot this past December.  It was freezing cold out, just after sunrise, somewhere just above zero degrees.  Needless to say, the hands don't always operate so well in those conditions.  Just touching the button on the remote is like slamming one's fingers onto a metal railing, then smashing a book on top just to make sure it hurts enough.

Where am I now?  Well, it's raining outside... I'm inside... it is kind of chilly, but I am too cheap to have the heater on in late April... and all seems good with the photographic world as this picture looks good and the memories of the finger pain have long since subsided.

Just in case you're wondering, this was shot north of Mt Vernon, Iowa... and in the full light is far less interesting.

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