Two months ago... about the same time as my last blog post... I had plans to really focus (no pun intended) on my photography. You know, updating the website, scanning old slides, marketing, and so on. Well... that didn't happen.
Right after my last post I started back to school for the first time in almost two decades. The plan is to slowly but surely get my engineering degree. About two weeks after that I decided to start my own business for civil engineering design and drafting services. The two have taken virtually all my time and the photography has taken a back seat.
Now, don't get me wrong... the photography will come back in full force. It'll just have to wait until these other issues get settled and into routines of their own. If there is any saving grace it is that this is the worst time of year to take new photos as everything is pretty bad looking. So, until next time... cheers!
Busy bee, busy bee, busy bee. :) Yes, we will get back on track with the photography someday, but you have much more to do now.