02 October 2010

I Taught a Class Today

I am not a natural teacher. I lost sleep the last couple nights over this. I was worried it would fail. I was hoping it would be canceled due to lack of interest. I ended up doing it because nobody else in my photo club would and I felt obligated since it was my idea to begin with. See... my photo club is obligated to teach two to three classes each year in exchange for free facility rent, and I suggested this particular format as a change of pace. I was all set to say "never again" even before it started.

In the end, it worked out ok.

Only four people signed up. This was good, I think. It helped those who did sign up get what they needed rather than being lost in the crowd. They were all enthusiastic and eager. I felt that they all left having learned something. I ended up enjoying myself much more than I thought I would.

Later in the day it hit me... the fortune. One of my favorite sayings is from a fortune cookie... "The best teacher is also a student.". In other words, if you really want to learn something, teach others how to do it. Nice. I like that.

Now, this does not mean I am going volunteer for everything that comes down the pike? Oh, no. But, I might be less prone to dismiss an opportunity out-of-hand.


  1. Thanks. It's a concept that I need to remember to embrace more often.
