27 June 2010

Seeing Instead of Looking

It's been a productive weekend. Fence posts, barns, corn fields, farms, gates, railroads and railroad bridges, waterfalls, and even a cow skull, are all part of the updated and new photos added. We have several new photos on the website, so be sure to visit the New Additions Gallery after you finish reading this.

All but a few of the new photos... the waterfall and the railroad bridges... were taken this weekend.

The brick barn, and the skull on the fence post look equally fantastic in black-and-white as they do in color. The detail in each of these photos pops equally in either format.

The skull photos especially reminded me of a quote I recently posted on Facebook...
"I think a photography class should be a requirement in all educational programs because it makes you see the world rather than just look at it. ~Author Unknown"
... which I think sums it up pretty nicely. These are an example of actually "seeing" the world around you and catching the little details that might otherwise pass you by.

So, until next time... peace out!

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