Is it always the grand and beautiful? Or, do the old and dilapidated sometimes intrigue you as well? I have to admit that I am often attracted to the old and dilapidated.
Two things caught my eye about this building. One, the new-ish sign at the top which is already falling apart (which is not in this photo), and two, the flag in the window over the door.
What is it about the flag? For me, it's the telling of a story. Somebody took pride in their business and this building at some point... and the business had failed. Could have been due to the flood a couple years ago, not sure. But, the business is no longer there nonetheless.
So, why hang a flag in the window? Was it already there and just forgotten? I'm thinking probably not. I'm thinking it was purposely put there as a last gesture from an indomitable spirit who was proudly proclaiming... in spite of their business setback... that their faith had not been shaken!
That's what I see when I view this old building.