Three states... round barns... the SPAM Museum... and a mechanical baby... all in one day. If that doesn't have all the makings for a big day, I don't know what does.
We had the nephew Kenneth for our promised trip to the SPAM Museum in Austin, Minnesota. He had his mechanical baby thing for some middle school class he was doing. (Rarely cried, which was nice)
Headed out about 5 a.m. Up to McGregor, Iowa, crossed the Mississippi River and up the Wisconsin side, crossed back into Iowa at Lansing, Iowa. Caught this round barn just outside New Albin, Iowa. Then on into Minnesota and our ultimate destination, the museum.
It was really quite the fun trip. This particular round barn... octagonal, actually... was built roughly 100 years ago and is still in daily use. It is harvest time and the place was busy.
I'll have to see what I can do about more photos from the trip. It seemed like every time we'd turn a corner, there was another scene that made us stop.
Oh, and the SPAM Museum? It was actually pretty interesting. Much more so than any of us thought it would be. Are we dorks, or what?