31 August 2011

Lessons I Have Learned, Pt 1: Turn Around

That's right. I said "turn around". Why? Because sometimes that's where the good shots are.

I have several examples where I went out to shoot something specific and also found a great shot simply by turning around and looking the other direction. The shot you see here is my latest example.

Now, in this case, the shot I went for was good as well, and you will see it soon enough, but there have been times when my intended shot was utter garbage, and the day was saved by just... turning around.

I decided to post the black and white version, though the color version is interesting in its own right... in a hazy sort of way.

Slam on the brakes!!!

Flying down the highway at, er, ummm... 55 mph... and the sudden urge to hit the brakes catches me as I spy this barn off to my left. Actually, I spied an old wagon and a tire swing hanging from a tree right in front of the barn, but those shots will come later.

This were almost an afterthought, yet I kind of like it more, I think. A classic and somewhat cliché shot, yet interesting nonetheless. I think what sets it off for me are the contrasting colors.

Oh, and just in case you were wondering, I didn't actually slam on the brakes (though the thought did occur to me). I drove ahead to an intersection and did a u-turn. Safety first, ya know.